Friday, July 31, 2009

Photo shoot

I had an impromptu photo shoot while watching Sammy today. I think the photos turned out great! However, it's not too hard when he is soooo cute. And today, he told me I was the best aunt in the whole wide world. Yeah, he loves me lots.

I am so glad I finally bought Adobe Lightroom. It is almost just as much fun editing my pictures as taking them. And it is very user friendly. Here is a link:
I started by downloading a FREE 30 day trial. Any pictures you edit in those 30 days get saved to your hard drive, so you don't have to worry about losing your work. (plus, you can download it again after 30 days with another email address....secrets, ssssshhhh) However, I thought it was well worth the investment, so I was honest in the end, and paid for it. I'm still watching tutorials online and trying to figure it all out. But so far, I couldn't be happier. It is MUCH easier for me than Photoshop.

Anyway, back to Sammy, here are the pictures:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sicko Sammy

Wednesday, I was watching Sammy for the day because Lindsey's mom, Daphne, had surgery, and as she normally watches him, I have been getting to keep him lately. It's unfortuante she needed surgery (everything is okay and she is on her way to a smooth and quick recovery!) but I am thankful for the time I am getting to spend with the little man.

However, while watching him, my ever so keen maternal instincts kicked in, and I could tell he was not feeling well. So, first order of business was to call Big Connie. That's a maternal instinct, right? To call your mom? She came home at lunch and confirmed my thoughts by 1st, taking his temperature. (hello, kim? you know where the thermometer is, right?) and yes, he was running a temperature of 102.1. Well, the thermometer said 101.1, but apparently when you take a temp under the armpit, you add one degree. News to me. I guess that is more comfortable for the patient, than up the bum, however. So we called the Dr. and they said to bring him in. Upon hearing this, I of course freaked out, and insisted Big Connie join us for the trip. Not because I am scared of the Dr. (ok, maybe that's 50% of it) but I have never driven a car with a baby as a passenger. And he's not my baby. Watching him at the house is one thing, but getting in a car, to go the Dr., that was too much for me. Plus, the little booger didn't feel good, I didn't need to go into a panic attack to top it all off.

Anyway, we got him to the Dr. and he said all Sammy has is a sore throat, and not to worry, just give him Motrin. (the Dr. prefers Motrin to Tylenol in babies over 4 mo. old) Another lesson for me.

Here are some pictures of him when he is feeling better (and his friend Ashley too.)

Tubing in Helen

A couple of weeks ago, Jack and I took Grace and her bestest, Camryn, tubing in Helen. It was so cute, because we surprised Grace with the entire weekend and she was so excited, I thought she was going to have a stroke.

We went on a Friday, to avoid the crowd, thank goodness. I had been up to Hiawassee the Saturday before, and when I crossed the river in Helen, you couldn't even see the water for the tubes. It was not so bad for us, nor was it as cold as I was expecting. And other than the fiasco of Jack losing his Maui Jim sunglasses (ouch!) there were no incidents. (He decided to stand up from his tube just up-stream from the largest white water experience on the river, and fell, went on his butt down the fall, got trapped by the current, blah blah blah, and incidentally, lost his glasses. Yeah, he was pretty ticked.)

Anyway, the girls had a blast, myself included. Jack said he is never going tubing again, imagine that.

Coincidentally, the girls had matching bathing suits...

Love it!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


it's already the middle of july?

how the heck did that happen?

where has the summer gone?

inspired by my newest most favoritest blog, i am going to try to be more diligent regarding my blog as well as take better pictures and start cooking. and wash all of my jadeite that is in my cabinet and start using it too.

check out her site: