Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Break the law to save your pet?

I saw this in the paper today:

"A lot of people are talking about an incident in Texas where a young couple, rushing their dying dog to a veterinarian, was stopped by a police officer. The man was driving 100 miles per hour while talking on his cell phone with the vet’s office. When stopped late at night, the officer repeatedly yelled at the hysterical driver, and at one point told him “It’s only a dog, you can get another one.”
The dog, a teacup poodle named Missy, died as the couple waited 20 minutes for the officer to write a ticket. The couple believes the officer took that long on purpose. The police say the driver was a menace."

Here is the video:

What an unfortunate situation. I would ABSOLUTELY break the law to save my heathens, Monty and Gerdie...but not at the price of harming myself and all the other drivers on the road. Over 100 mph while on the cell phone does not make for a great combination, especially when you are that upset. However, the police officer does come off like quite an a-hole. "It's only a dog, you can get another one," excuse me who the hell are you to tell me my pets are not like my children? If you lose your job for this's only a job, you can get another one! Obviously neither party involved handled this situation appropriately, but if he had pulled over a driver with a sick child, there is no doubt the officer would have escorted them to the hospital. Anyway, I feel for the couple who lost their pet under such horrific circumstances. And I also hope the police officer can see how inappropriately he handled the situation and caused more emotional stress to an already clearly upset family.